Thursday, May 31, 2007

Affiliate Marketing: How Can You Earn Those Affiliate Marketing Commissions?

By: Tywford

"I have heard that affiliate marketing can be a very lucrative endeavour and I would really love to earn my share of those affiliate marketing commissions!"

Does the above statement ring a bell somewhere in the recesses of your mind? Yes? No?

Well, it doesn't really matter. Truth be told, thousands upon thousands of new and old affiliate marketers worldwide have uttered or are uttering those exact same we "speak".

For the purposes of this discuss, we will assume that you are one of them...So how can you earn those affiliate marketing commissions?

Well, we need to define affiliate marketing as a premise:

"Affiliate Marketing is a system of revenue sharing between one site (the affiliate merchant) which features an ad or content designed to drive traffic to another site (the advertiser). The affiliate will receive a fee based on the amount of traffic generated."

From the above definition, you will agree with me that as an affiliate marketer, you are holding the longer "stick" - by that I mean that you have the better deal! [Read full article]

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