Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Earn Extra Money Online With Email Marketing

By: Andrew Jones

A big focus with internet marketing is to drive traffic to your website and to find unique visitors and new customers. Of course this is vital to the long term survival of the business. But what is often neglected, is making the most of the visitors and customers that you already have. You can earn extra money online by following up with your current customers and subscribers, and maximising the profit potential from them.

It's always cheaper to sell to existing customers than it is to go out and find new ones. Probably the best and easiest way to achieve this is through email marketing. It's well known that most people need to be exposed to your message or product 7 times before they take action and purchase. And once your subscribers make a purchase and become your customer, they are then much more likely to make follow-up purchases. It's all about building trust and credibility.

Okay, to be able to follow up with your list of subscribers and customers, you will need an autoresponder account. Here you can set up the content, follow up messages, and the schedule of which days the emails are to go out. Once set-up, your list will continue to get your messages automatically, which allows you to keep feeding them the benefits of your product or service. You can also add new messages at any time to the autoresponder series, or make one-off broadcast messages to your entire list if you have any special announcements.

[Read full article]

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